How i shot, what i shot and why…

How i shot, what i shot and why…

Here i have gone back to my very first photo-shoot out on location, yes the dreaded first shoot, where nerves and butterflies created earthquakes and volcanoes, through my entire being hahahaha… Im not sure if having Immnse as very close friend helped or made it all worst? i do remember he was late which really didn’t help 😉 however we got on with it a produced some nice work. 🙂

The photo-shoot was for his “pandemic” album

DATE: 17/4/10

CAMERA: Canon 500d

LIGHT SOURCE: Canon Speed light 430 EX mk2, through a 28inch umbrella – Camera Left cant remember the power settings but its possible the flash was set to 1/4 power

LENS: Canon EF-S 55 – 250 mm at 49mm

EXPOSURE: 1/200th at F/5.6


WHY THIS SHOT: To represent being quarantined (not used for the cover)

How i shot, what i shot and why…

How i shot, what i shot and why...

This will be a new series of posts, where i’m going back to my earlier days as a photographer, and talking about, as the title states “How i shot, what i shot and why” giving a description of the equipment used, camera settings, light diagrams and anything else i feel needs to be added to explain how the images where created.

Hopefully this will help me and those that choose to interact. Thanks for checking out tis post..

Peace, JC out…